
Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to captivate

How to captivate
Everyone has ideals will make efforts to hunt down what he wanted.
Lovers of the property will make various efforts to collect and develop it. And he will also learn business skills and how to make a profit.
Television stations will make efforts to attract viewers by presenting a variety of program or event and choose the styles are up to date. Also through a variety of skills training given to the presenter (host) in order to attract people to follow his show.

The same, applies to print and radio media managers. Included on the seller's other items, both licit and illicit.
They were all very diligent in establishing skills that are useful to them in their respective fields.

How to captivate
Captivate the human heart is a field that requires the tricks and special tips. Lets say you get into the room in which there were 40 people for example. Then you came to greet them all one by one.
There is when you reached out to him he gave a tip of his finger and said coldly: "Welcome. Welcome. "
There are busy talking to other people then you surprise him with a greeting. Then he answered with a cold and shake your hand without looking at your direction.
There are busy talking to his cell phone. Then he reached out to you without saying a word or showing little attention to you.
And there is when you look toward him, he stood up and getting ready to welcome you.
Then when your eyes locked eyes with her eyes, she smiled and showed a cheerful face as you encounter.
He shook your hand warmly. And he graciously welcome your arrival. Though you do not know him and he did not know you. Then you continue your shake hands with the others and sat down.
By Allah, answer honestly! Is not your heart drawn to that person?
Definite. Your heart will be attracted to him. Though you do not know him; not know his name, and do not know the profession or position. Nevertheless, he has managed to captivate your heart. Not with his wealth, position, social status, or nasabnya, but with skill bergaulnya.

Thus, the human heart does not need to be enticed by the power, wealth, beauty, or position. But quite enticed by something smaller and easier than that. However, only few people are capable of luring.

How to captivate
I recall one of my students who suffered from psychiatric disorders. He was severely depressed. His father was an officer who held high office. Again and again he came to the faculty to see me. And we worked together to treat his son.
Kadnag sometimes I go to their homes. I see their homes as a magnificent palace. And I saw her father's living room filled with guests. Almost no place is empty.
At that time I was amazed at the love for the community and their enthusiasm to him.
A few years later, after his father retired from his post, I went to his house. I entered the palace and headed into the living room which contains over 50 pieces seat. Apparently there is only a man who was watching television and a maid serve tea and coffee. I sat with him briefly. After exiting I am reminded of the situation when he was still in office and its present.
What used to make the crowd gathered and huddled around him, showing kindness and love.
At that moment I realized that the person does not captivate the hearts of men with depraved, softness and good bergaulnya way, but with the position, influence and broad relationship. So when the job is lost, then lost the love orangpun.
So take a lesson from our friends. And treat all people with skills that could get them to like you because you personally. They like your conversation, your smile, your tenderness, and the way you get along good. They love because you want to forgive their mistakes and want to care about their plight.
Do not make their hearts adrift with a chair and your wallet.
The person who gives the treasure, food dna drinks to children and his wife could not captivate them, but the lure of their abdomen.
And the people bestow the money to his family, but behaved badly to them can not captivate them, but the lure their wallets.
Therefore, do not be surprised if you encounter a troubled youth to a friend complain about the problem, imam, or teacher and his father's neglect. Because the father could not lure him and could not destroy the barriers that exist between them. While his heart enticed by the teacher or friend. In fact, sometimes enticed by the evil enemy.
Another thing that is no less important is ...
Are not you also noticed as I was when someone entered the crowded room and find tengak-look seat is empty, then everyone scrambling looking for attention. Everyone called him and wanted to sit in sampinnya. Why?
Have you ever been invited to attend a dinner with a buffet system. Namely, each person taking their own meal and at the round table provided. Did not you ever seen people who, after taking food, so many people who give a signal to him to sit down with them.
While other people take food and tengak-look, but no one ever called him or her. So that both legs took him to one of the existing table.
Why do these people care about people first and do not care for the second person?
Would not you feel that some people are always liked by other people wherever he is. As if he holds the magnet that can suck their hearts.
It's amazing!
How they all could captivate the hearts of men?!
That is the clever tricks that can be used by someone to captivate the human heart.

How to captivate
The decision ...
Our ability to captivate the hearts of others and
get them a sincere love
will give us great enjoyment of life.

((Copied from the book by Dr. Enjoy Your Life. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Arifi, hal.73-76. Publisher: Yassir. Published returned by
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