Friday, September 21, 2012
Biggest Success Secrets

Did you know the biggest secret of success we need to know if you want to immediately feel the tremendous success in life?
Yes, there are many secrets to success. Dsn key suksespun not just one. But still, this one will forever be the greatest secret of success.
Why, because so many people think this one is the effect of the success, not the cause. The secrets of this one, people often react reversed.
"When I'm successful, I'll do it." so most of the human heart.
Therefore, it can be called the greatest secret, because many do not understand.
No wonder also that not many people are really successful in their lives, because they consider CAUSE successfully reversed in effect.
Well, if the greatest success secrets, the reader? .... (Drum roll, ... please ....)
Throughout the Ages Greatest Secret of Success
Whoever you are, wherever you are, at any time of your life, this is the biggest success secrets that you should know if you are interested in enjoying the good life in all its aspects.
The secret is .... GIVING, yes give money or something else, give in the form of zakat, infak, charity, gifts, donations, or giving any other, for giving something positive to others.
This is the key to your success. This is Your Greatest Success Secret. This is one important thing you must do in order to enjoy the FIRST kesuksean and wealth. This is the CAUSE of your success. Not the effect.
Understanding the types and GIVING
Before proceeding with how giving is the greatest secret of success could open the taps fortune us without limit, I will briefly describe some kind GIVING GIVE or do I mean here as the key to unlocking success, wealth, and happiness.
Giving the greatest secret of success I am talking about here has a very broad sense. The bottom line is you take some of your own and share it with other people or parties.
In Indonesian there are so many types of giving. And EVERYTHING that when done right Intention, could open the doors of success and wealth as possible for you.
So when it says "give" here, I'm not just talking about ALMSGIVING example, although the charity including one of the many types of giving what I meant.
Basically there are two types of grant:
1. Giving a MANDATORY,
which in Islam is called ZAKAT, while the Judeo-Christian tradition, called a tithe, or "offering tithes".
(Actually, zakat and the tithe is the same concept, just different from the amount and manner of computation only).
In essence, the provision of compulsory (Zakat or Tithe) should be excluded from the assets we already have, and spiritually, we are working to clean up the property so it is ready to receive additional more.
Deeper, charity / tithe is actually:
"In recognition (faith) and our gratitude that everything we receive, enjoy and have basically the gift of God, not another. Treasures we are not merely the result of our hard work without a permit which, if God is not going to produce.
Since the endorsement of faith and gratitude to God, Zakat / Tithe actually, in essence, MUST be issued by anyone, rich or poor. Both the rich and the poor must have faith and gratitude to God instead?
And because later on you'll see that the "giving" can open your fortune stream the widest, then obviously they are even more poor who "MUST" pay zakat / tithe them if they do not want to keep the poor.
2. Giving a VOLUNTARY,
or which in English is called "Charity", in which the amount is usually not specified, it's up to us, and we can also choose to give or not.
It's very much, but in outline, based on the purpose and recipient, there are at least four types:
Giving to the more needy (poorer) than us, such as charity, donation, aid, donations.
Providing for the purpose of contributing to the progress or development, for example infaq, grants, donations, donations.
Giving to show love and concern, such as gifts, souvenirs, treats, volunteer work or service.
Giving to express recognition and awards, such as bonuses or gifts.
Just like mandatory provision, although its kind "voluntary", and you are free to choose to do it or not, I emphasize once again, that YOU "MUST" do all this if you want to give and want to ensure continuity SUCCESS success you've tasted.
Giving is not an option, but a necessity, if the life of a successful, rich and meaningful that be your goal.
Also, because the name was a total success in every way a success not only in the acquisition of money and material possessions, then we also have to give all sorts of things, more than just money and possessions.
In short:
If you want to tap your finances or your happiness or success in any form, then one of the biggest success secrets you do start this minute is to give, give, give or GIVE, GIVE, GIVE.
Giving people / parties any of your own desire.
Yes, GIVING Giving is the secret of success or the great and effectual.
Say you do not believe a word of all that I teach here, but you believe the secret is just about giving, it's enough to be able to help you enjoyed tremendous success. Please see for yourself.
Next, I will discuss in depth how to "give" (whatever it is) to make you successful, rich and happy.
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