
Monday, September 5, 2011

10 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs

Running a private business is a creative, flexible and challenging to be your own boss and chart your future. This is creating a life. From a comfortable place in a company which received a regular salary, you will enter the business territory filled with uncertainties.

Is there a way to determine whether you can become successful entrepreneurs, or better working for someone else?. There is no formula for success. However, most successful entrepreneurs share these 10 characters. Check if you have one of them:

1. Think success
To get the desired success, you need to dream big. Every success starts with big dreams. You need to have big dreams for yourself, you want to be rich, famous or wealthy. But dreams are not enough. You should actively visualize success in your mind so you can feel. How does it feel double your income? how life will change?

Successful entrepreneurs have an attitude of openness and confidence that you can have. The management gurus have taught us the power of visualization, by seeing ourselves in the mind to achieve our dreams. If you want to be a successful writer, describe yourself signing books in the crowd who queued request your signature. And this process must diingimbangi with constant action! You have to think if you can achieve success in every minute

2. Having a passion in what you do
You start a business to change some or all of your life. To make this change, you need to develop or open up your personal desires to the new changes. The success will come if you love what you do. Why? Because we will be more eager to pursue what we love. If you hate your current job, whether you will succeed? Not at all! Although you'll be competent to perform the task, but you will never be a great success. You will achieve peak performance and do something to succeed if you do something that interest you. Successful entrepreneurs do not care if they spend 15 or 18 hours a day to take care of business because they love what they do. Success in business is a matter of patience and hard work, which is only obtained if you have a passion for the tasks and activities that you do.

3. Focus on your strengths
Face this fact: you can not be everything to everyone. We have advantages and disadvantages. To be effective, you must recognize the strengths and concentrate on it. You will be more successful if they can combine with your efforts in the area that you know well. For example, in business, you have good marketing instincts, then refine it and use the excess to the maximum. Ask for assistance in the area that you do not control, such as accounting or bookkeeping. To change your weakness into drawback, consider following the formal training.

4. Abstinence fails to consider the possibility
Ayn Rand, in her novel The Fountainhead, wrote, "It's not the attitude of human beings-or, to begin with surrender." As an entrepreneur, you must fully believe in the goals and what you do. Think about what you do will make a positive contribution to the environment and yourself. You must have strong beliefs on the ideas, abilities and yourself. You must believe beyond a shadow of doubt, you have the ability to recognize and overcome them. The more you develop the confidence to achieve the target, the sooner you get it. However, your beliefs must be balanced with the risk calculation. Successful entrepreneurs are those who analyze and minimize risk for a profit. As they often say, "no guts, no victory."

5. Plan well
You have a vision, and are confident to achieve your vision. But, announcing you how to achieve your vision? To achieve this, you must have a concrete goal as a springboard for your vision. Write down your goals: do not do it just to fantasize. You must plan your actions in order to contribute to achieve the vision. Your ability to set goals and make a plan is a necessary skill for success.

6. Hard Work!
Every successful entrepreneur works hard. No successful person just sit on my hands. As Brian Tracy says, "You work for 8 hours a day to survive; all things after 8 hours a day is for success." Ask a successful entrepreneur and they will tell you that they have to work more than 60 hours a week in early their business. Be prepared to bid farewell to the show hanging out together after work hours, or take a walk at the end of the week. If you are in the early stages, you must breathe, eat and drink with your business until you can run a business. Hard work will be easy if you have a vision, clear goals, and desires on what you are doing.

7. Constantly expanding network
In business, you are judged by the company you are running - from the management team, board of directors, and strategic partners. Businesses always need assistance, especially small businesses. It is important to form alliances with people who can help you, and you can help. To succeed in business, you must have good networking skills and always keen to see the opportunities offered by your contacts.

8. Willingness to Learn
You do not need an MBA or PhD to be successful in business. In fact, many employers who do not complete their secondary education. Studies show most millionaires have average intelligence. However, they achieve the full potential to achieve financial goals and business, because they want to learn. To succeed, you must be willing to ask, curious, interested and open to new knowledge. Willingness to learn to be important along with the rapid development of technology and business.

9. Have the determination and confidence
No one said the road to success is easy. Besides the intensity and hard work, sometimes you fail. Some successful entrepreneurs suffered setbacks and defeats, even bankruptcy, but they quickly got up to make the calculations. Remember, if you have the determination, nothing can stop you.

10. Personal Discipline
Thomas Huxley said, "Do what you should do, regardless you like it or not." Discipline is the key to personal success. A strong desire to push yourself to pay the price of success - doing what is not liked by other people, fight and win it with yourself.

By Jenny Fulbright.
Jenny Fulbright is a Staff Writer at
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