adversity. If you are always reluctant and lazy of course you're not a professional.
Mastering Work You deserve a professional say when mastered your job well. That is, you know exactly how to get the job done, no matter how difficult. You also know how to solve every problem. And you really understand what you are doing. In essence, a professional is a problem solver or problem solver not a trouble maker or a creator of problems.
Can Cooperate Aside from being able to work independently, a professional is also able to work together to achieve the objectives to be achieved. Because no matter how great a professional, he still can not rely on its own strength. You still need the presence of others to achieve the vision and mission.
High Integrity A professional will not do the things that could tarnish his professionalism. In their work, you are always guided by the values of honesty and positive moral. For this reason, a professional must have high integrity.
Have Loyalty In their work, a professional must have a high loyalty. This means you will work in total and not halves. With loyalty, you will not feel burdened by your job. With all the loyalty you will get to love your job.
Commitment You also can not say if it does not have a professional commitment to the job. The higher your commitment to the job, the higher your professionalism. Due to the commitment, you will undergo job with a full sense of responsibility. So, no matter how heavy your job, you will live it happily.
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