
Monday, July 25, 2011

Being Productive

You can only spend so many hours without producing anything. Sounds familiar? There are several principles that should you consider in time management so you can work effectively:

There's a saying that says "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". If you live your day without any idea of ​​what to do and how to do it, you'll spend most of your time asking "What should I do now?". The plan provides a map of what lies before you that day. Allocate some time to plan so you can classify the tasks according to priorities and time and workmanship.

Have a plan in the morning or the day before. You can start from small notes only, or even put them in the head just to give signals to the brain about what you must accomplish that day.

Use a smart strategy in preparing the plan. When do you usually feel your energy is high, both mentally and physically? For me usually the time between the hours of 10:00 to 12:00 is when I'm "on fire". When I use to start or complete tasks with high priority. The remaining time I usually use to complete the jobs with lower priority.

The plan is not rigid and are always open to adjustment at any time. Do not forget to insert a time for rest. In principle, you do for your own self-management. Learning to manage time is a great exercise for self-discipline.

Often the work we allow ourselves to be soluble in several jobs at once, the term multi-tasking. Maybe you try to please your boss to say yes all the demands, but you realize you actually just burdening yourself with stress and not necessarily what you will work good quality.

Doing two things at once instead of just dividing your attention but also makes you less focused and consequently take longer to finish the job. The focus of the work makes us more productive and reduce the burden of stress. Create a scale of priorities when you have to finish some work in the same period.

Avoid Interruptions
Two things in the world of work today is a frequent source of interruption are: telephone and email. Of course, this interruption can not be avoided but use your skills in self-management to handle it:

    Answer calls from people who are interested only when you're focused on work. If you have had to answer, keep time to a minimum. You can call back when you're rather free.
    Check your email at times only. Okay, this is of course very heavy. You can try. If it is not possible, try not to answer all emails every time it comes. Answer the email associated with your current job and avoid multi-tasking.
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