
Monday, July 25, 2011

Your focus on "Let Go"

When we try to do something with the intention that focused (focused intent), that happens we use the conscious mind (left brain). This limits us to access the unconscious mind (right brain) that has the ability processing billions of times faster than the conscious.

In many self-help books often explained how we make the intent (intent) to achieve what we want. During this time many people assume intent as "something That We Want to Happen". Therefore, our conscious mind trying to find the positive intent and happy.

Often we are taught how to make the intent of its 3P: Positive, Precise, Present. So intent are defined early and endeavored to happen because we believe such a scenario the best. Intent of this kind can be successful. But usually when unsuccessful, we may feel like a failure and thinks there is a wrong process.

Conscious mind we have limited capabilities. Only capable of processing 50-10% of the realities that happened. Therefore, we define the intent of the conscious mind is limiting (restricting). We tend to focus on what we want. There is the wanting (desire) and expectation (hope), which if not met could lead to disappointment and frustration. Finally, we feel helpless because it failed to achieve what we want.

Defines the intent of the conscious mind to give the impression that we know best, even though there may be more better if we are willing to let go (surrender).

To access the Power of Unconscious Mind, our focus is not on "what we want" but rather to "let go". With let us go away from the expectation of how things should happen. Then we open ourselves to receive a better scenario than the scenario that we choose. Let go allows us to be grateful in receiving what we want and also feel comfortable to accept if we want it not to happen. In this condition we do not feel powerless or fail.

Unconscious mind has the ability of processing billions of times faster than the conscious. Through let go we turn unconscious mind has access to the infinite potentials (potential unlimited) in the universe.

How do we focus on let go, not on what we want?

Suppose you are experiencing financial difficulties. Your focus is not on the intent of the 3P, where you want Rpxxxx money for example. You simply ask, for example: "If my financial situation is different, what I feel?" Make this question as intent. Then Observe (see) what is DIFFERENT - not what is the same - the feeling you. Ask once more, for example: "If my desire to have money does not exist, how it feels?". Notice the feeling different and feeling.

Perhaps you then feel there is relief in the liver. You may see an image block of ice melts. Maybe you heard a voice say "soon you're rich". Anything, that is clear without contrived. Through the heart, feeling as if what you want is already happening now. Look and feel all of these then "LET GO".

A friend of this practice and several hours later he obtained the money of several million. Far beyond the "wildest imagination", because its expectation already let go. Another friend who has been cured of chronic diseases. Just simply by asking and let go.

The bottom line: our focus is not on what we want, but the let go. Allow our unconscious mind with its multi-processor work without fear or and plagued by doubts.
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